Monday, February 12, 2007


The pictures above show the temperature extremes we can expect: Sweater, scarf, and jacket weather in Scotland, and shorts weather in London (notice Walt, Jesse, and chase - and the LOOK LEFT warning). What temperatures should we expect on the trip? Our last trip in May/June 2005 was atypically hot. If the averages hold we should be looking at lows in the mid 50's and highs in the upper 60's. Last time we were in the 80's for the southern part of our trip and it was a bit warm. In Scotland it should run 5-10 degrees cooler: we might see lows in the mid 40's and highs around 60. Wind and rain are probably also more likely in the north. Remember, if checking websites about the weather, they use Celsius, not Fahrenheit. 12-20 Celsius equals 53-68 Fahrenheit. I'll post more links for weather averages and temperature converters.

What does this mean? It means pack a jacket or sweater. A hat and even gloves might be helpful in Scotland if you're cold natured. Pack a small umbrella if your jacket isn't waterproof, too.

Check out this quote from a travel message board:

"I've lived in Scotland for the last 3 years, and all I can say about their summer weather is that it encompasses all seasons, sometimes within one month! I've had to bundle up in woolly sweaters and jackets in July, but I've also seen the temps spike to a 'heatwave' which is what most Americans would call normal summer weather! It rarely gets above the high 70s in Scotland in summertime, and it can get quite chilly especially at night or when a fog rolls in (ah, the haar...)

If it gets above 75 fahrenheit the Brits tend to declare a heatwave, but that's not to say they don't get the real thing once in a blue moon...temps this past summer were extremely high down in London, but only got into the mid to high 80s in Scotland.

I don't know how long you'll be there for or what you'll be doing, but I'd count on packing at least one of each of the following: heavy wool sweater, jeans, shorts/skirt. And of course many layers of various weights and sleeve lengths!"

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